Tehran: Thursday, March 21, 2019, at 01:28:27 AM
Moscow: 12:58:27 AM, Thursday, March 21, 2019
Athens: 11:58:28 PM, Wednesday, March 21, 2019
Berlin: 10:58:27 PM, Wednesday, March 21, 2019
Paris: 10:58:27 PM, Wednesday, March 21, 2019
London: 9:58:27 PM, Wednesday, March 21, 2019
New York: 5:58:27 PM, Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (EST)
Chicago: 4:58:27 PM, Wednesday March 20, 2019 (CST)
Denver: 3:58:27 PM, Wednesday, March 20, 2019, MST)
Los Angeles: 2:58:27 PM, Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (PST)
Tokyo: 6:58:27 AM, Thursday, March 21, 2019
Sydney: 8:58:27 AM, Thursday, March 21, 2019
No Ruz, new day or New Year as the Iranians call it, is a celebration of spring Equinox. It is the most cherished of all the Iranian festivals and is celebrated by all. This occasion has been renowned in one form or another by all the major cultures of ancient Mesopotamia. What we have today as No Ruz with its’ uniquely Iranian characteristics has been celebrated for at least 3000 years and is deeply rooted in the rituals and traditions of the Zoroastrian belief system of the Sassanian period. This was the religion of Ancient Persia before the advent of Islam in 7th century AD. The familiar concepts of Hell, Heaven, Resurrection, coming of the Messiah, individual and last judgment were for the first time incorporated into this belief system. They still exist in Judo-Christian and Islamic traditions. In order to understand No Ruz, we have to know about Zoroastrians’ cosmology.
نوروز نخستین روز سال خورشیدی ایرانی برابر با یکم فروردین ماه، جشن آغاز سال نوی ایرانی و یکی از کهنترین جشنهای به جا مانده از دوران ایران باستان است. خاستگاه نوروز در ایران باستان است و هنوز هم مردم مناطق گوناگون فلات ایران، نوروز را جشن میگیرند. زمان برگزاری نوروز، در آغاز فصل بهار است که امروزه به آن برابری بهاری یا اکیونوس میگویند.
نوروز در ایران و افغانستان آغاز سال نو محسوب میشود و در برخی دیگر از کشورها یعنی تاجیکستان، روسیه، قرقیزستان، قزاقستان، سوریه، عراق، گرجستان، جمهوری آذربایجان، آلبانی، چین، ترکیه، ترکمنستان، هند، پاکستان و ازبکستان تعطیل رسمی است و مردمان آن جشن را برپا میکنند
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